Pacient ktorý mal opakujúci sa alergický opuch po potrave . Pred 10 timi rokmi mal žihľavku. a zápal spojiviek po kontakte s marihuanou ( aj fajčenie). Podozrenie padlo na chleba (múka) a vlašské orechy, ktoré obsahujú alergénne proteíny ( LTP ). Podobnú reakciu mal o niekoľko mesiacov neskôr pri zjedení broskyne, vypití väčšieho množstva piv a vína. Laboratórne alergiologické testy potvrdili pozitivitu alergénov Pru p3, r Cor a 8 and n Art v3. Išlo teda o alergiu na hlavný alergén marihuny LTP (Lipid Transfer Protein ) ktorý je vo veľa druhoch potravín.
The authors describe an unusual case of LTP allergy. A 35 years old patient presented repeated episodes of angiooedema after food intake and complained 10 years ago of contact urticaria and rhinoconjunctivitis when exposed to cannabis leaves and to marijuana smoke. The suspected responsible foods, such as wheat flour in bread, are known to contain LTR Oral syndrome occurred after ingestion of walnuts. Cutaneous tests confirmed immediate responses to several flours and nuts and also to cannabis leaf and flower. A few months later he had similar accidents following peach ingestion and drinking of beer and several wines which all induced positive skin tests. Serological investigations using ImmunoCAP and ISAC microarray confirmed IgE positivity for n Pru p3, r Cor a 8 and n Art v3. It was assumed that sensitization to LTP, the major allergen of cannabis, was responsible of the primary sensitization and induced further LTP food allergies.